Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

COPY and PASTE as text or rich text in Lotus Notes email

Today's topic: Copy & Pasting into Lotus Notes e-mail
Copy and pasting into Lotus Notes is something we all do on regular basis (especially copying data from Excel and other MS Office products). I wanted to show a few tricks around pasting data into Lotus Notes email using Excel data as an example. Let's say you need to copy a table of data. Generally you would highlight cells in excel select COPY function and the PASTE into Lotus Notes The problem is that it's now an image that can not be edited (and/or data can not be copied from it by your recipient).
So, here are ways to convert this into a text and/or editable table:

1. Once you pasted cell/table into Lotus Notes right click on the image and select "Paste Special"
2. A Window Opens up with several options
3. Select "Text" - to paste as pure text (helpful if you need to copy/paste one cell)
4. Select "Rich Text" - to past as editable table - please note it keeps the format and colors.

Lotus Notes Email Attachments Unzip

Looking for ways to set your Lotus Notes attachments automaticaly unzip when you save them?
Here are instructions how to set it up:

1. First you need to make sure you have ZipMail for Lotus Noted set up. Its the utility that manages zipping (i.e. automaticly zips attachments and unzips attachments in Lotus Notes). If you have it installed then you just need to configure it.

2. To configure go to the Lotus Notes ini file (usually C:\Lotus\Notes\notes.ini) or just do a search for notes.ini

3. Add this line into the file (note it has to be on a separate line )

4. Restart Lotus Notes.

You should be all set. You should see UnZip checbox checked everytime you try to save an attachment.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Adding Date and Time Last Modified to footer of an Excel worksheet

Here is a quick way to add Date and Time Modified (i.e. Last Saved) to your excel sheet to make sure no replication conflict exist or track latest updated version:
Please note (this is not a Data() function)

I. Particular Worksheet
a. Minimize inner window (i.e. spreadsheet you are working on) within the main Excel window.
b. You should not see the Excel Icon on the top of the worksheet (next to the title)
c. Right Click -> Select "View Code"
d. Past this code in the window that opened up
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "Last saved: " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yy") & " " & Time
End Sub
d. Click on ALT + Q to close window.
f. See date Last Saved in the footer in the print view after you save the file

II. Entire Workbook - applied across all worksheets in the document
a-c. Same as above
d. In the left top menu select ThisWorkBook
e. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "Last saved: " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yy") & " " & Time
Next Sheet
End Sub
f. Click ALT+Q to close window

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Turn Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon Menu to Office 2003 Classic Menyu

Here is a free solution to turning back time and returning to classic menu style so drasticaly changed in MS Office 2007 - UbitMenu. Download UbitMenu at

Mozilla Firefox Free Secuirty Add-on for search engine

Here is a new nifty free add-on I read about in PcWorld Magazine - Search Engine Security.
This add on protects you form attacks that originate as a result of a phony search engine results that infect you PC with malware. By default it works on Bing, Yahoo and Google.
I highly recommend this free add-on.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

HDA AUDIO BUS DRIVER error message

Are you getting this error missing "HDA AUDIO BUS DRIVER is not INSTALLED" while installing you SoundMax driver on your Lenovo machine. Here is the solution. Download and install the driver:
