Thursday, September 23, 2010

Access Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager

Follow the link below to open a new internet explorer window containing a box on the right hand side titled 'Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager'. 

Access Flash player Settings

Friday, September 17, 2010

How to remove and clean malware - Security Suite Malware Virus Removal Guide for any Windows

So, your computer is infected with a malware called Security Suite which makes you believe it is an Anti-Virus software that just identified virus on your computer and offers you to remove it for a fee. This is a classic scam example. Security Suite is the virus which takes over your computer and does not let you uninstall/install any programs. It is super annoying and frustrating. So, here are number of effective solutions for you to remove Security Suite without paying a penny. DO NOT PAY!

I.  Most Simple and quick good old way (works about 50% of times)
Sometimes Security Suite appears as harmless to anti viruses and cleaners because it does not infect any files. So, this is the most straight forward way and STEP 1 for Security Suite virus removal.
  1. Go to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local
  2. Sort Files by DATE MODIFIED and delete all suspicious files.
Note if you can't access the folder because Security Suite is blocking it access it via SAFE MODE (see below for instructions on how to ran your machine in SAFE MODE)

II.  Using you Computer SYSTEM RESTORE TOOL(works about 60% of times)
  1. Shut Down you computer
  2. Run your computer in SAFE MODE
    • Press F8 key as you computer is starting up
    • A start-up option window will appear
    • Select SAFE MODE
  3.  Once in SAFE MODE run SYSTEM RESTORE (note you will not loose any data)
    • Start
    • Program
    • Accessories
    • System tools
  4. RESTORE your computer to the earlier date (approximate date before the virus started)
III. Complete and thorough malware and virus removal (this will take 1-3 hours but works 95% of times)
1. Reboot Your PC -> When it starts (but BEFORE you see windows loading) start hitting F8.
2. This will put Windows in Safe mode and will prevent the Security Suite from loading. Make sure to choose Safe Mode - Start Windows with Networking
3. Now download and install the following free applications  (Google them)
 - Malwarebytes (Google it).
 - CCleaner
 - Spyware Terminator.
4. Install all software
5. First run CCleaner. Make sure you tick the boxes to delete temporary internet files.
6. When CClener it's done, run Malwarebytes. When ti's finished, delete what it found.
7. Now run Spyware Terminator.
Then run your antivirus. If you need one, Avast and/or AVG are decent free alternatives. It's free. Once your AV runs, delete anything it finds.
8. Once you are clean and now protected go an extra step and install firewall.
I use ZoneAlarm (free edition)